"Stereo Skyline" adalah sebuah band american power pop Meadow, New York, berdiri pada tahun 2006.
Jumat, 31 Desember 2010
Rabu, 29 Desember 2010
Hawk Nelson
"Hawk Nelson" merupakan band bergenre pop punk asal Peterborough, Ontario. Band ini menjadi populer dengan Christian music scene dan terpilih sebagai "Favorite New Artist" by CCM Magazine edisi February 2006 Reader's Choice Awards.
Power pop
Houston Calls
Houston Calls adalah sebuah band dengan genre American power pop/punk band, terbentuk di Rockaway, New Jersey.
Power pop
Cobra starship
"Cobra Starship" adalah band American pop/synthpop asal kota New York . Yang didirikan oleh Midtown dan Gabe Saporta .
Power pop
The Friday Night Boys
The Friday Night Boys merupakan band beraliran pop punk electronika asal Fairfax, Virginia, yang berdiri pada tahun 2006.
Power pop
Senin, 27 Desember 2010
Sabtu, 25 Desember 2010
The all american reject
"The All American Reject", adalah sebuah band power pop asal Amerika Serikat yang dibentuk di Stillwater, Oklahoma.
Power pop
Jumat, 24 Desember 2010
Son of Dork
Son of Dork
is a british pop rock band from london, United Kingdom.It's formed by James Bourne - Lead Vocalist / Guitarist in January 2005 and the members are:
Power pop
Senin, 20 Desember 2010
History of Skateboard
The 1940s-1960s
Skateboarding was probably born sometime in the late 1940s or early 1950s when surfers in California wanted something to surf when the waves were flat. No one knows who made the first board, rather, it seems that several people came up with similar ideas at around the same time. These first skateboarders started with wooden boxes or boards with roller skate wheels attached to the bottom. The boxes turned into planks, and eventually companies were producing decks of pressed layers of wood -- similar to the skateboard decks of today. During this time, skateboarding was seen as something to do for fun besides surfing, and was therefore often referred to as "Sidewalk Surfing".
A skateboarder in Tallahassee, Florida.
The first manufactured skateboards were ordered by a Los Angeles, California surf shop, meant to be used by surfers in their downtime. The shop owner, Bill Richard, made a deal with the Chicago Roller Skate Company to produce sets of skate wheels, which they attached to square wooden boards. Accordingly, skateboarding was originally denoted "sidewalk surfing" and early skaters emulated surfing style and maneuvers. Crate scooters preceded skateboards, and were borne of a similar concept, with the exception of having a wooden crate attached to the nose (front of the board), which formed rudimentary handlebars.
A number of surfing manufacturers such as Makaha started building skateboards that resembled small surfboards, and assembling teams to promote their products. The popularity of skateboarding at this time spawned a national magazine, Skateboarder Magazine, and the 1965 international championships were broadcast on national television. The growth of the sport during this period can also be seen in sales figures for Makaha, which quoted $10 million worth of board sales between 1963 and 1965 (Weyland, 2002:28). Yet by 1966 the sales had dropped significantly (ibid) and Skateboarder Magazine had stopped publication. The popularity of skateboarding dropped and remained low until the early 1970s.
Power pop
Skateboard O_o
Sebuah skateboard, secara khas/khusus terbuat dari papan kayu lapis didisain berkombinasi dengan satu lapisan pembalut polyurethane terpakai untuk membuat lebih lembut meluncur dan ketahanannya lebih kuat, dipergunakan terutama semata mata untuk aktivitas dari skateboarding.
Ini tampak saat pertama kali skateboards menjangkau umum pemberitahuan itu keluar dari para pengggila ombak yang memecah dari awal 1960, mungkin papan saja kaku dengan roda penggulung meluncur alat terlampir. Wave group yang memecah Jan dan Dekan bahkan punyai satu pukulan kecil disebut dengan " Sidewalk surf " pada 1964. Pada waktunya, ini jadi satu hiburan untuk surfers ketika gelombang adalah lemah. Oleh pertengahan 1980s skateboards adalah diproduksi massal dan terniaga sepanjang Amerika Serikat.
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A modern skateboard |
Satu skateboard digerakkan oleh dorongan dari kaki sementara yang lain tersisa pada papan, atau dengan memompa kakinya sesuatu di struktur seperti satu pipa kolam atau setengah. Satu skateboard juga dapat dipergunakan hanya dengan berdiri diatas geladak sementara pada satu slop kemiringan mengarah ke bawah dan ijin daya berat untuk menggerakkan papan dan pengendara. if you ride with your right foot go forward, you ride "slow on the update"; if you ride with your left foot advance, you ride "regular." If you in the normal manner regular and are silly riding, you are riding "switch," and shuffles through.
Baru-baru ini, elektris skateboards juga sudah tampak. Ini tidak lagi perlukan dorong dari skateboard atas pertolongan kaki; rada satu motor elektrik menggerakkan papan, diberi makan oleh satu baterei elektris.
Power pop
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